The heart is a gateway through which energy flows: light, knowledge, information, vitality, inspiration, and beauty. The energies of thinking, feeling, and willing converge here. Balance is a central concept, both in terms of inner balance between different aspects of ourselves (the masculine and feminine within us, light and shadow, body and mind) and balance between ourselves and the world around us (work and leisure, giving and receiving, relating to others and being alone). From this balance and connection with the heart, love can flow.

Living from the Heart

Love is a deep inner longing, a soul’s yearning for liberation. Love leads us to form relationships, and relationships offer us the chance to become aware of the larger whole in which we are embedded. While loving relationships broaden our horizons, they also establish a deeper connection with ourselves. Love opens us up to the path towards greater awareness. Love dissolves our rigid views and changes our psychic structure. Love makes us respond from the compassion of our heart.

Quote from Haruki Murakami

From Thinking to Inner Feeling

Greater and smaller life difficulties remain because ordinary nature continues its course, but standing in this process, we can perceive them differently. It is as if they no longer grip and influence us. There is more peace and balance in our lives. An inner space arises, an inner silence that is nonetheless very lively. It is about shifting the center of gravity from thinking to inner feeling, from the head to the heart. Could this be the first movement in making the sign of the cross?

The Proper Use of the Will

It actually comes down to the proper use of the will. Not as an effort, but as a logical conclusion of an inner experience, as the outcome of what is felt as truth in the heart. Then we act from this inner willing, from this nothing-but-the-good-will, and consciously withdraw from swirling thoughts and overflowing emotions. We focus our attention on our heart sanctuary and respond from the loving compassion of our heart.